Site: Over 1K Views!

Wow, guys!

The site has now hit over 1,000 views in just 3 Days! Too me, that is unbelieveable! I never dreamt of getting this many views this quickly!

Thanks for all your support and I hope you continue to enjoy the site!

Minecraft Run – Inspired by Temple Run!

Temple Run is a popular mobile game that has had people addicted for months on end. With the sequel to the game released just last month, it seems right that somebody would make a great python program inspired by it for MCPI. The game consists of:

  • Randomly generated track
  • Gravel ‘kills‘ you and takes you back to the start
  • Everytime you ‘die‘ new track is generated
  • Score System
  • A temple at the start of the track

Excellent96, the maker of the program, has many ideas on how to improve the game, including:

  • Advanced score system
  • Chasing enemy (Possibly Lava)
  • Coins and Powerups
  • More Fun!

A video of the program in action can be found at it’s Official Topic on the Minecraft Forums!

The only downside to this is that the program is not yet available for download, but head over to it’s Official Topic and tell him that you really want to play it!

The download link will be posted here as soon as it is released!

Installing and Renaming Worlds


When playing MCPI it can be a pain to tell which world is which as they are all called ‘world‘. Luckily, thanks to ‘edweed00‘ and also partly me, we have come up with a way to change your world’s name!

  1. Open up ‘File Manager‘ and click ‘View‘. Then tick the box that says ‘Show Hidden‘.
  2. Tons of folders will now appear in your user dictionary (Default is ‘pi‘). One will be called ‘.minecraft‘, open it.
  3. Open the ‘games‘ dictionary, then the ‘com.mojang‘ dictionary and finally the ‘minecraftWorlds‘ dictionary.
  4. In here will be several folders. They will be named ‘world‘, ‘world-‘, ‘world–‘ etc. To rename the world, simply just right-click on one of these folders and click ‘Rename‘. Then just type what you want the world to be named!

We have also found a way to install custom maps! To get a custom map, head to the MCPE: Maps section of the Minecraft Forums. Although the maps are built for Minecraft: Pocket Edition, most of them should work on MCPI as the Pi Edition is a port of the Pocket Edition. I have put a map in the MCPI DropBox if you want to download it from there. It is a remake of the popular game, Slender (Made by A00000AOfficial Thread)

  1. Download a MC:PE or MCPI map
  2. If it comes in a .zip file, extract it and move it to a USB Storage Device.
  3. Plug the USB Storage Device into your Raspberry Pi and move the extracted folder into the /.minecraft/games/com.mojang/minecraftWorlds dicitonary.
  4. Load up MCPI and double-click on the new world!

If you found this guide helpful, please leave a like! If you are having problems following this or any other guide, please leave a comment!

MCPI Game Of Life

Jason Milldrum of has come up with a brilliant version of the popular game, ‘The Game Of Life‘. It uses Obsidian blocks to show dead cells and Diamond blocks to show alive cells on a 64×64 block board.

The code is pretty big, so to save the homepage of the site being filled by a single program, you can view the code here!

Credit goes to Jason Milldrum

Change Your Skin in MCPI


Using the default ‘Steve‘ skin can be boring. Why not change it up a little? Follow this guide and find out how to add your own, personal skin to your MCPI game!

  1. Head to the /mcpi/data/images/mob dictionary. Inside you will find a .png file called ‘char‘ (char.png). Delete it or move it to another location in case you decide you prefer the default ‘Steve‘ skin.
  2. Copy a skin from your PC onto your Raspberry Pi using a USB Storage Device.
  3. On your RPi, copy or move the new skin into the /mcpi/data/images/mob dictionary.
  4. Rename the new skin to char.png. This allows the game to register it as the player’s skin.
  5. Load up MCPI and start looking cooler!

If this guide worked for you please leave a like! If you are having problems with this or any other tutorial on the site, please leave a comment!


How to run Python Programs on The Raspberry Pi

If you are new to the RPi, Python or just need a little bit of help. you may not understand how to run many of the Python Programs that you can find on this site and on the Minecraft Forums. Well, look no further. Below, I have come up with a guide to get you on your feet in the world of Python! You will be running programs in no time at all!

  1. First, you are going to need to create the program. Well, not create exactly, copy. But you still need to create a file for it to go. Open up ‘LeafPad‘ and paste the program code into the file.
  2. Save the program in your /mcpi/api/python/ dictionary. Name it something sensible. If it is a rainbow program, name it The .py allow the RPi to know that it is a Python file.
  3. Now, open up MCPI and load up a world.
  4. Open up a new ‘LXTerminal‘ and navigate to your /mcpi/api/python dictionary, by using the cd command:
    cd /mcpi/api/python
  5. Next, type:

    (Obviously you need to replace ProgramName with whatever you called the file).

  6. The program should now be running.

If this guide doesn’t work for you at first, try again. If on the third time you still don’t succeed, leave a comment!

Python: Auto Rainbow

This cool little program designed by ‘500 Internal Server Error‘, automatically builds a rainbow in your MCPI world, upon loading the python file.


The code is as follows:

import mcpi.minecraft as minecraft
import mcpi.block as block
from math import *
colors = [14, 1, 4, 5, 3, 11, 10]
mc = minecraft.Minecraft.create()
  height = 60
mc.setBlocks(-64,0,0,64,height + len(colors),0,0)
  for x in range(0, 128):
  for colourindex in range(0, len(colors)):
  y = sin((x / 128.0) * pi) * height + colourindex
  mc.setBlock(x - 64, int(y), 0,, colors[len(colors) - 1 - colourindex])


The original thread where the program was shared can be found here.

To run the program, open up ‘LeafPad‘, copy this code into it and save it in /mcpi/api/python as a .py file. Save it as Then, once you have a MCPI world loaded up, open up ‘Terminal‘ and navigate to where you saved the file using cd and type python

How To Make A MCPI Desktop Shortcut


Having to open up Terminal and typing in commands, just to run MCPI can become a pain. That is why I have found a simple and quick solution to the problem! Follow this guide and you’ll have MCPI open with a quick double click!

  1. First, save this image to your computer and copy it to your Pi and into your mcpi folder.
  2. Next, on your Pi, right-click on your desktop and go to ‘Create New…‘ and then ‘Blank File‘. Name the file ‘mcpi.desktop
  3. Right-click on the new .desktop file and open the file with ‘LeafPad‘.
  4. Once in ‘LeafPad‘ copy the code from this link into the file.
  5. Make sure your read the note in the code.
  6. Now, save your .desktop file and close ‘LeafPad‘.
  7. Go back to your desktop and you will see your a file called ‘Minecraft: Pi Edition‘. Double click on that and the game will appear!

If this helped, please leave a like! It’s free! If you are having any problems feel free to leave a comment!